Software Research's TestWorks for Windows is the only fully integrated suite of automated testing tools available. TestWorks includes two families of tools that work independently or as an integrated tool set to provide the most complete automated testing tools available for applications running under MS/Windows, MS/Windows NT and MS/Windows 95.

STW/Regression, made up of CAPBAK, SMARTS and CBDIFF (included with CAPBAK), combines automated regression testing tools for GUI and client/server applications with sophisticated test management capabilities. CAPBAK captures all user activities during the testing process. Keystrokes, mouse movements, captured bitmap images, and extracted ASCII characters are captured into a C-language test script. CAPBAK has multiple modes for record/playback: True-Time automatically records keyboard and mouse activity into an ASCII-format test script and plays back the user input exactly as recorded. Character Recognition is available for adapting the test to minor application changes to the graphical user interface (GUI). CAPBAK/X's multiple output synchronization capabilities ensure reliable playback, allowing tests to be run unsupervised as often as required. STW/Regresion's test suite manager, SMARTS, allows tests to be executed according to an easy-to-use hierarchical structure and then conditionally evaluated based on the verification criteria selected for each test. SMARTS saves a detailed record of test outcomes and timing statistics to a default log file and generates several reports based on those outcomes. The comparison utility, CBDIFF, compares bitmap image or ASCII value files. Extraneous discrepancies can be discarded during the differencing process.

STW/Coverage uses state of the art technology to measure how well test cases exercise programs at unit and system levels. STW/Coverage works alone or integrated with STW/Regression, and gives numerical value to the completeness of a set of tests. It shows what parts of an application have been tested so that effort can be focused on creating test cases that will exercise the parts that were not previously tested. It provides logical branch (C1) and function-call pair (S1) coverage analysis. Using recursive descent compiler technology, STW/Coverage is able to efficiently handle all of the standard constructs and dialects of C and C++.

The logical branch coverage analyzer measures the number of times each branch has been exercised for both True and False conditions. The function-call pair coverage analyzer measures the number of times each function-call has been exercised, as errors in parameters are extremely common. Results of these tests are displayed in coverage reports, annotated directed graphs, call-trees and slider bars.

STW/Coverage's gathers usage statistics on programs as they are being exercised, and creates coverage reports. STW/Coverage generates graphs which reveal the control-flow structure of a module and call-trees which show the caller-callee structure of a pro- gram. These displays show very quickly what is and what is not being exercised in a set of tests.

TestWorks automates software testing for applications running under MS/Windows 3.1, MS/Windows NT and MS/Windows 95.

In addition to the most complete line of software testing products on the market, Software Research, Inc. offers extensive seminars, training and high-quality technical support.